Star Wars: The Original Trilogy On Sale

Star Wars: The Original Trilogy (Episodes IV-VI) [DVD] [1977]

Star Wars: The Original Trilogy (Episodes IV-VI) [DVD] [1977]

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Product Features

Product descriptions
Description : The Star Wars Original Trilogy features:
Episode IV: A New Hope
Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.

The saga continues with Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and Han Solo leading the Rebel Alliance to claim victory over the Empire and win freedom for the galaxy.George Lucas's original Star Wars trilogy is a clever synthesis of pop-cultural and mythological references, taking classic fairy-tale themes, adding more than a dash of Arthurian legend, and providing cinematic high adventure inspired as much by Kurosawa's Samurai epics as by Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers. As a result, audiences of all ages can find something to identify with in Luke Skywalker's journey from disaffected teenager dreaming of adventure to Jedi Knight and saviour of the galaxy. He not only rescues a Princess, but discovers she's a close relative. And if there's a lesson to be gleaned from the Skywalker clan, it's that no matter how bad things get in the average dysfunctional family,...

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