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Product Features

  • The Pet Corrector can help with: Barking, Chasing, Stealing, Jumping Up, House Manners or other unwanted behaviours
  • It works by emitting a hiss of compressed gas, designed to gain the dog's attention to interrupt the unwanted behaviour, and once distracted a positive command or reward can be inserted
  • It is used and recommended by trainers and behaviourists throughout the world. It is extremely effective and over 4 million have been sold to date
  • Pet Corrector should always be used responsibly, never sprayed directly into an animals face and is not recommended for use with young puppies
  • Included in the pack is a comprehensive free training guide, featuring tips and easy to follow instructions to ensure effective and responsible use

Product descriptions
Description : Pet Corrector. This simple but handy sized training aid releases a loud, sharp burst of air to deter our domestiCated pets, who have an instinctive sensitivity to its hissing sound. The Pet Corrector emits a blast of compressed air, ideal for interrupting unwanted behaviour such as excessive barking, jumping up, stealing food and aggression. The Pet Corrector comes with a free detailed training guide, with helpful training tips and key do's and don'ts. It is important that the Pet Corrector is used responsibly and that alternative desirable behaviours are rewarded.

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